The physical space to conduct Rogers Wireless’ business was simply too visible and costly and an asset to leave branding out of the equation; a new brand image was required. All elements that comprise the space – architecture, interior, lighting, graphics and colours have been integrated to create a new brand experience for the store. When a customer walks into the space, they don’t come alone – they bring certain expectations. It’s this reaction to the space combined with their experience that will determine a successful transaction and earn brand loyalty.
The most important element in the space is the cell phone. We have used simplicity of design to showcase the product to its maximum advantage and to facilitate customer service. The shapes, although simple, have a strong structural quality. The clear glass, spare interior, red back-lit column creates a jewel-like presence on the busy downtown Vancouver corner. Important to the marketing package are the display areas. The customer counter displays showcase high-end accessories while a wire display system is used to communicate lifestyle messages to the customer.